Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Theistic Evolution

Let's talk about theistic evolution, for those who like to imagine that evolution was the process God used to design all the wonders of life. Say God initiates first life. For billions of years with God guiding the path lifeforms evolve and go extinct, dying of starvation, disease, natural disaster, being eaten by predators. Countless numbers of God's loving creation suffering and living in agony and struggle for survival with limited resources. Billions of years of this.

Then the Lord finally reaches his apex of creation: man. He looks back over the last four billion years and says to himself 'This is very good'. Now man is walking in the garden and falls into temptation, eating the fruit, or disobeying God in some other metaphorical way. It is at this point that God curses the earth. Seemingly oblivious to what he had done for billions of years, only now does he pass the blame on to someone else, humans. Ignorant of all of the death and suffering that he caused, he declares that man's sin is the cause of all suffering in the world.

This God is the directing agent of this entire process, and is responsible for more death and suffering than any human could ever be accused of. Not only does he call this debacle 'very good', when things go wrong he realises the travesty of the state of affairs he has created, but even worse is that he blames humans for it. I am glad to say that this God most likely doesn't exist, and neither does any other.

Any God who had the gall to use evolution as his way of creating life is a sadist and a murderer of the highest degree, exceeding in evil far beyond any human holocaust.

Yes, evolution is a fact, but that does not mean that it is a good thing. We are very lucky to have been left with the beneficial results (with many negatives mixed in too) of a system of development that is calice and cruel (from human perspective), but ultimately one with no guiding or creative hand directing it. If evolution were designed, I certainly would not worship the criminal mastermind who pulled the strings of the biggest mass murder in all history.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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