Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feeling Empty?

Several times since becoming an atheist, or at least a naturalist, I have felt a kind of longing for the divine and sacred, not in Christianity no, but in a path a began to step down three years ago, before backing out due to fear that it was demonic, fear handed down from Christianity. I'm talking about paganism.

I've always had an affinity with the religions of the past and the gods of ancient cultures. Part of me wants to throw aside my reason and embrace this pull that I feel toward nature religions. The other part of me knows that I have no good reason to involve myself in another superstition, and I have experienced the results of accepting things by faith, without evidence. If I don't allow myself to give in to the desire that I have for this, I will continue to be drawn to it. If I do embrace it, then my rational mind will ask me why I am bothering with something that cannot be shown to have any worth. It seems to be a battle between my left and right brain.

The answers that are given by the spiritual are usually something like this:
"This is just my path, it's true for me."
"I feel within me that this is true."
"My experience has proven it to me, against evidence."

But is it true? Can I be satisfied living a comfortable delusion? I must admit that I feel a little bit empty since losing my religion, but in a way it is a reasonable sacrifice to liberate myself from irrationality. I just wish that my atheism could be as fulfilling as my faith had (until I began to suffer at its hands). I suppose I am still young, and with many years ahead of me I have plenty of time to discover just how fulfilling a life based on reason and rational thought can be.

When watching Phil Hellenes video 'Science Saved My Soul' on YouTube, I feel the emptiness evaporate and I'm filled with a sense of awe at what I am really a part of, where I came from, my cousinship with all life and my origins in the stars. I am the universe, and that is truly grand; far more so than being the sentient fired mudbrick of some celestial potter.

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